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Standing Committees

There are several standing committees at CBSW and we welcome your involvement! When needed, we also create an ad hoc committee, usually to meet a specific need. If you are interested in becoming involved with any of these committees, please reach out to our CBSW Board President or contact Jen in the CBSW office.  

  • Our Adult and Family Education Committee focused on lifelong learning and making education programs available for adults and families. This has included a variety of workshops with visiting speakers, coordinating presentations by our Israeli shlicha, and informal learning sessions with Rabbi Goldberg
  • The Art & Architecture Committee is responsible for the beautiful artwork and Judaic items you will see at CBSW, as well as decor inside and outside our buildings.


  • The Communications Committee manages our temple communications, including announcements, congregational emails, and content for our website and our public and member-only Facebook pages.
  • Simply put, the Facilities Committee takes care of our campus. This can include everything from coordination of repairs to our buildings or grounds to working with the Board of Trustees to establish policies for the use of our facilities.  


  • The Finance Committee is chaired by the Treasurer on our Board of Trustees and runs the congregation's finances. This includes income and expense projections, audits when requested by the Board of Trustees, presenting the annual budget including a proposed schedule of dues, fees, and pledges, and much more. 
  • When additional funds are needed to support the capital or operating needs of the congregation, our Fundraising Committee takes center stage. Successful campaigns in the past have funded the building of our Social Hall and an endowment fund to secure the future of CBSW, and several specific initiatives. 
  • Anyone who has joined our congregation has met with members of our Membership Committee, which is responsible for welcoming prospective members and making sure they are supported as they make CBSW their Jewish home. The committee also makes recommendations on new member applications to our Board of Trustees and keeps the Board apprised of any changes with our current members. 
  • If you have been to services at CBSW for Shabbat, the High Holy Days, or one of our festivals, you have seen the work of our Ritual Committee. This committee works closely with Rabbi Goldberg to make these services and observances possible, and also oversees our prayer books and the placement of ritual objects. 


  • CBSW's Social Action Committee helps us fulfill an important component of our congregational purpose and vision centered on Tikkun Olam. This committee works with local non-profit organizations and social agencies to identify areas of need in our community, and then provides a way for our members to get involved. 
  • Our Religious School exists because of the dedication of Helen Richard and our Youth Education and Programming Committee. This committee develops the education program for children, provides oversight for our Religious School, and establishes youth education programs. 


Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785